Next Wednesday Date using Excel VBA Functions Now, DateAdd,Format and WeekDay. We have different methods and ways to find Next Wednesday date. You can find below three specified macros or procedures to find Next Wednesday date using VBA functions. i.e Now, DateAdd, WeekDay and Format.
We are trying to find Next Wednesday date based on current or today’s date. Lets say today’s date is 11th Dec 2018 and weekday is Tuesday then upcoming date of Wednesday should be 19th Dec 2018 and weekday is Wednesday. In this tutorial we have explained three methods to find Next Wednesday date.
Method1: Get Next Wednesday Date using VBA Functions
Let us see the first method to find Next Wednesday date.
'Method 1: Next Wednesday Date using Excel VBA Functions Sub VBA_Find_Next_Wednesday_Method1() Dim dNext_Wednesday As Date dNext_Wednesday = DateAdd("d", -Weekday(Now) + 11, Now) MsgBox "If today's date is '" & Format(Now, "DD MMM YYYY") & "' then" & vbCrLf & _ " Next Wednesday Date is : " & Format(dNext_Wednesday, "DD MMM YYYY"), vbInformation, "Next Wednesday Date" End Sub
Method2: Get Next Wednesday Date using VBA Functions
Here is the second method to find Next Wednesday date.
'Method 2: Next Wednesday Date using Excel VBA Functions Sub VBA_Find_Next_Wednesday_Method2() 'Variable Declaration Dim dNext_Wednesday As Date dNext_Wednesday = Now + (11 - Weekday(Now)) MsgBox "If today's date is '" & Format(Now, "DD MMM YYYY") & "' then" & vbCrLf & _ " Next Wednesday Date is : " & Format(dNext_Wednesday, "DD MMM YYYY"), vbInformation, "Next Wednesday Date" End Sub
Method3: Get Next Wednesday Date using VBA Functions
The third method to find Next Wednesday date.
'Method 3: Next Wednesday Date using Excel VBA Functions Sub VBA_Find_Next_Wednesday_Method3() Dim dNext_Wednesday As Date dNext_Wednesday = DateAdd("ww", 1, Now - (Weekday(Now, vbWednesday) - 8)) MsgBox "If today's date is '" & Format(Now, "DD MMM YYYY") & "' then" & vbCrLf & _ " Next Wednesday Date is : " & Format(dNext_Wednesday, "DD MMM YYYY"), vbInformation, "Next Wednesday Date" End Sub
Output Screenshot: You can find following output screenshot of above specified macros.
Instructions to Run VBA Macro Code or Procedure:
You can refer the following link for the step by step instructions.
Instructions to run VBA Macro Code
Other Useful Resources:
Click on the following links of the useful resources. These helps to learn and gain more knowledge.
VBA Tutorial VBA Functions List VBA Arrays VBA Text Files VBA Tables
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