Previous Friday Date using VBA Functions

Previous Friday Date

VBA get Previous Friday Date with vbSunday, vbMonday, vbFriday, vbFriday, vbFriday, vbFriday and vbSaturday in Excel using VBA Functions. We run so many reports manually or by scheduling reports as part of our daily activities. Sometimes we want to run or schedule reports on specific day in a week.

Lets assume you want to run reports on Friday. This tutorial I am going to explain how to find last or previous Friday Date using VBA Formulas. We run report based on weekday date, If the output word matches with specified weekday then continue run the report, otherwise it ignores.

Previous Friday Date

Get Previous Friday Date using VBA Functions

Let us see different statements to find Date of Last or previous Friday using Excel VBA. Lets assume today is 3rd December 2018(03/12/2018). The below macro example produces same result. i.e 30th November 2018(30/11/2018).

'Previous Friday Date using Excel VBA Functions
Sub VBA_Find_previous_Friday()

     Dim dPrevious_Friday As Date
    dPrevious_Friday = DateAdd("ww", -1, Now - (Weekday(Now, vbSunday) - 6))
    Debug.Print dPrevious_Friday
    dPrevious_Friday = DateAdd("ww", -1, Now - (Weekday(Now, vbMonday) - 5))
    Debug.Print dPrevious_Friday
    dPrevious_Friday = DateAdd("ww", -1, Now - (Weekday(Now, vbTuesday) - 4))
    Debug.Print dPrevious_Friday
    dPrevious_Friday = DateAdd("ww", -1, Now - (Weekday(Now, vbWednesday) - 10))
    Debug.Print dPrevious_Friday
    dPrevious_Friday = DateAdd("ww", -1, Now - (Weekday(Now, vbThursday) - 9))
    Debug.Print dPrevious_Friday
    dPrevious_Friday = DateAdd("ww", -1, Now - (Weekday(Now, vbFriday) - 8))
    Debug.Print dPrevious_Friday
    dPrevious_Friday = DateAdd("ww", -1, Now - (Weekday(Now, vbSaturday) - 7))
    Debug.Print dPrevious_Friday
    MsgBox "If today's date is 12/03/2018 " & vbCrLf & " then previous Friday's date is " _
    & Format(dPrevious_Friday, "DD MMMM YYYY"), vbInformation, "Previous Friday Date"

End Sub

In the above macro we have used different vba functions like DateAdd, Now, Weekday and Format in multiple statements. You can view immediate window, it displays same output.

Note: Use Shortcut ‘Ctrl + G’ for an Immediate window.

Output Screenshot: Please find the output screenshot of above specified macros.

Previous Friday Date

Instructions to Run VBA Macro Code or Procedure:

You can refer the following link for the step by step instructions.

Instructions to run VBA Macro Code

Other Useful Resources:

Click on the following links of the useful resources. These helps to learn and gain more knowledge.

VBA Tutorial VBA Functions List VBA Arrays VBA Text Files VBA Tables

VBA Editor Keyboard Shortcut Keys List VBA Interview Questions & Answers Blog

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