Set Chart XlChartType Enumeration, Values and its description in Excel VBA. All these chart enumeration specifies the chart type.
Table of Contents:
Example VBA Code on how to set chart XlChartType Enumeration
Let us see the example VBA procedure or code on the XlChartType Enumeration in Excel.
'Example on XlChartType Enumeration in Excel VBA Sub VBAF1_XlChartType_enumeration_Example() 'Variable Declaration Dim MyChart As Chart Set MyChart = Charts.Add With MyChart .SetSourceData Sheets("Charts").Range("A1:B5") .ChartType = xl3DColumn End With End Sub
Here is the screenshot for your reference.
XlChartType Enumerations in Excel VBA
Here is the list of the XlChartType Enumerations in Excel VBA.
Chart Type | Value | Description |
xl3DArea | -4098 | 3D Area. |
xl3DAreaStacked | 78 | 3D Stacked Area. |
xl3DAreaStacked100 | 79 | 100% Stacked Area. |
xl3DBarClustered | 60 | 3D Clustered Bar. |
xl3DBarStacked | 61 | 3D Stacked Bar. |
xl3DBarStacked100 | 62 | 3D 100% Stacked Bar. |
xl3DColumn | -4100 | 3D Column. |
xl3DColumnClustered | 54 | 3D Clustered Column. |
xl3DColumnStacked | 55 | 3D Stacked Column. |
xl3DColumnStacked100 | 56 | 3D 100% Stacked Column. |
xl3DLine | -4101 | 3D Line. |
xl3DPie | -4102 | 3D Pie. |
xl3DPieExploded | 70 | Exploded 3D Pie. |
xlArea | 1 | Area |
xlAreaStacked | 76 | Stacked Area. |
xlAreaStacked100 | 77 | 100% Stacked Area. |
xlBarClustered | 57 | Clustered Bar. |
xlBarOfPie | 71 | Bar of Pie. |
xlBarStacked | 58 | Stacked Bar. |
xlBarStacked100 | 59 | 100% Stacked Bar. |
xlBubble | 15 | Bubble. |
xlBubble3DEffect | 87 | Bubble with 3D effects. |
xlColumnClustered | 51 | Clustered Column. |
xlColumnStacked | 52 | Stacked Column. |
xlColumnStacked100 | 53 | 100% Stacked Column. |
xlConeBarClustered | 102 | Clustered Cone Bar. |
xlConeBarStacked | 103 | Stacked Cone Bar. |
xlConeBarStacked100 | 104 | 100% Stacked Cone Bar. |
xlConeCol | 105 | 3D Cone Column. |
xlConeColClustered | 99 | Clustered Cone Column. |
xlConeColStacked | 100 | Stacked Cone Column. |
xlConeColStacked100 | 101 | 100% Stacked Cone Column. |
xlCylinderBarClustered | 95 | Clustered Cylinder Bar. |
xlCylinderBarStacked | 96 | Stacked Cylinder Bar. |
xlCylinderBarStacked100 | 97 | 100% Stacked Cylinder Bar. |
xlCylinderCol | 98 | 3D Cylinder Column. |
xlCylinderColClustered | 92 | Clustered Cone Column. |
xlCylinderColStacked | 93 | Stacked Cone Column. |
xlCylinderColStacked100 | 94 | 100% Stacked Cylinder Column. |
xlDoughnut | -4120 | Doughnut. |
xlDoughnutExploded | 80 | Exploded Doughnut. |
xlLine | 4 | Line. |
xlLineMarkers | 65 | Line with Markers. |
xlLineMarkersStacked | 66 | Stacked Line with Markers. |
xlLineMarkersStacked100 | 67 | 100% Stacked Line with Markers. |
xlLineStacked | 63 | Stacked Line. |
xlLineStacked100 | 64 | 100% Stacked Line. |
xlPie | 5 | Pie. |
xlPieExploded | 69 | Exploded Pie. |
xlPieOfPie | 68 | Pie of Pie. |
xlPyramidBarClustered | 109 | Clustered Pyramid Bar. |
xlPyramidBarStacked | 110 | Stacked Pyramid Bar. |
xlPyramidBarStacked100 | 111 | 100% Stacked Pyramid Bar. |
xlPyramidCol | 112 | 3D Pyramid Column. |
xlPyramidColClustered | 106 | Clustered Pyramid Column. |
xlPyramidColStacked | 107 | Stacked Pyramid Column. |
xlPyramidColStacked100 | 108 | 100% Stacked Pyramid Column. |
xlRadar | -4151 | Radar. |
xlRadarFilled | 82 | Filled Radar. |
xlRadarMarkers | 81 | Radar with Data Markers. |
xlStockHLC | 88 | High-Low-Close. |
xlStockOHLC | 89 | Open-High-Low-Close. |
xlStockVHLC | 90 | Volume-High-Low-Close. |
xlStockVOHLC | 91 | Volume-Open-High-Low-Close. |
xlSurface | 83 | 3D Surface. |
xlSurfaceTopView | 85 | Surface (Top View). |
xlSurfaceTopViewWireframe | 86 | Surface (Top View wireframe). |
xlSurfaceWireframe | 84 | 3D Surface (wireframe). |
xlXYScatter | -4169 | Scatter. |
xlXYScatterLines | 74 | Scatter with Lines. |
xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers | 75 | Scatter with Lines and No Data Markers. |
xlXYScatterSmooth | 72 | Scatter with Smoothed Lines. |
xlXYScatterSmoothNoMarkers | 73 | Scatter with Smoothed Lines and No Data Markers. |
Instructions to Run VBA Macro Code or Procedure:
You can refer the following link for the step by step instructions.
Instructions to run VBA Macro Code
Other Useful Resources:
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