I have 3 columns :region country product. I want to  have dependent drop-downs like countries population based on region selection and products population based on countries drop-down. Now here’s the most important part- This should be done using FORM CONTROL drop-downs and not combo boxes or data validation. Can this be done??
‘populate the regions on form load and write the code for list-box change event
'1. Populate the Regions when you show the Form Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() lRow = 455 ' This is last row of your data sheet For iCntr = 2 To lRow If Range("A" & iCntr) <> Range("A" & iCntr - 1) Then 'To avoid duplication lstRegion.AddItem Range("A" & iCntr) End If Next End Sub '2. Populate the Countries when you change a Regions Private Sub lstRegion_Change() lRow = 455 ' This is last row of your data sheet lstCountry.Clear lstProducts.Clear For iCntr = 2 To lRow If Range("A" & iCntr) = lstRegion.Value And Range("B" & iCntr) <> Range("B" & iCntr - 1) Then lstCountry.AddItem Range("B" & iCntr) End If Next End Sub '3. Populate the Products when you change the country Private Sub lstCountry_Change() lRow = 455 ' This is last row of your data sheet lstProducts.Clear For iCntr = 2 To lRow If Range("A" & iCntr) = lstRegion.Value And Range("B" & iCntr) = lstCountry.Value Then lstProducts.AddItem Range("C" & iCntr) End If Next End Sub '4. Exit Button Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Unload Me End Sub
Finally Show your user form using the below code in a module. And assign to a button:
'Call the Userform using a button Sub sbShowForm() UserForm1.Show End Sub
Here is the Example file , download and explore:
Question: thank you…but can this done not using userform and be done using proper dropdowns in EXCEL using vba?
Answer: Yes, it’s possible. Populate the regions on workbook open event. Â Use the same controls and code in the worksheet.
I located your website from Google and also I need to say it was
a terrific find. Thanks!
how would you add conditions for more cascading drop down menus i.e. over 4 or 5 columns.. I’ve tried to expand your code – but having a little difficulty as it will expand and populate the dropdown lists – but there is duplicates (unlike the first 2 boxes!)… any help or advice would be great as it’s an awesome piece of code and I just need to understand how to amend it… THANKS! 🙂