VBA List All Workbook Names

VBA List all Open Workbooks in Excel

VBA List all Open Workbooks in Excel. It helps to know all open workbooks name. It is easy to handle and shift between workbooks. We have an option to open multiple workbooks in MS Office Excel. Let us see in the following tutorial how to list open Workbooks in Excel VBA.

Syntax to List Workbooks in Excel VBA

Here is the following syntax to List all Open Workbooks in Excel VBA.

For Each Workbook in Application.Workbooks

Where Workbook: It represents Workbook object which is part of workbooks collection.

VBA Code to List all Workbooks in Excel VBA

Let us see the following example macro to List all Open Workbooks in Excel VBA

'VBA List Open Workbooks in Excel
Sub VBA_List_All_Open_Workbooks()
    'Variable declaration
    Dim xWorkbook As Workbook
    Dim sWorkbookName As String
    Dim iCount As Integer
    'Intialise value to a variable
    iCount = 2
    Sheets("WB_Names").Range("A1") = "Names of Available Workbooks"
    'Loop through all workbooks
    For Each xWorkbook In Application.Workbooks
        Sheets("WB_Names").Range("A" & iCount) = xWorkbook.Name & vbCrLf
        'Increase value
        iCount = iCount + 1

End Sub

Instructions to Run VBA Macro Code or Procedure:

You can refer the following link for the step by step instructions.

Instructions to run VBA Macro Code

Other Useful Resources:

Click on the following links of the useful resources. These helps to learn and gain more knowledge.

VBA Tutorial VBA Functions List VBA Arrays in Excel Blog

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